Estate planning often seems like it's solely within the lawyer's realm. Many believe that estate planning = legal advice.
But here's the truth: estate planning is more about financial planning than legal processes. It involves discussing your client's wishes and how their affairs should be managed in the future. This includes appointing executors, managing Estate and Non-Estate assets, and deciding who gets what and when – all without necessarily needing legal advice.
Financial advisers and accountants are in the perfect position to lead these discussions. With their deep, long-term client relationships and thorough knowledge of their clients' affairs and families, estate planning is a natural extension of the financial planning process. After all, you've helped your clients accumulate and protect their wealth; now it's time to help them plan its transfer to the next generation.
At Inherit Australia, we've have been working with advisers for nearly three years, and we shape our offerings to fit advisers' needs, timeframe and level of commitment to estate planning. Our AI Legal bot platform and the backing of a nationwide network of lawyers eliminate the legal advice risk and allow advisers to provide this critical service to their clietns.
Inherit Version 3 is coming out next week. New offerings and new benefits for clients, advisers, and lawyers. Watch this space