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How does providing estate planning impact your brand?

Offering estate planning services to your clients help position you and your firm as the client’s lead adviser for all of their wealth. It connects you with the client’s next generation and strengthens the value of your business as part of your own succession planning.

How does providing estate planning impact your brand?

Offering estate planning services to your clients help position you and your firm as the client’s lead adviser for all of their wealth. It connects you with the client’s next generation and strengthens the value of your business as part of your own succession planning.

When a client engages you for their estate planning, it signifies that you are a trusted adviser that can help manage the transfer of their wealth when they are gone. Such relationship is unique and makes the client “sticky” when it comes to the provision of your traditional services, meaning better client retention.

Many advisers have reported significant value in cross referral of existing business services to new clients who enter the practice for an estate plan and resulting word of mouth referral of other clients into the practice . In addition, advisers who engage in estate planning conversations often identify assets, entities and funds outside of their management with the opportunity to upsell their existing services and a greater ‘share of wallet’.

Inherit’s systems and processes is designed to search and uncover all of the client’s resources, their family circumstances and future wishes to identify to need for further advice.

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